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Zanki pathoma reddit. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice.

For example, osteogenesis imperfecta doesn't have any cards in under the tag for the associated video for the skeletal system section in the MSK chapter. BnB has more information since it has more than just path but Pathoma makes it pretty easy to understand in my opinion. For pathology, I would read pathoma, watch pathoma, do Zanki's cards, then watch boards and beyond and make cards to supplement/clarify anything. If you absolutely want to use a limited number of cards from Zanki + lol, then I would use Lolnotacop and all of Zanki Pharm and as those tend to be the most rote memorization heavy. I’ve actually been tagging every pathoma video as I’ve gone so I have those ones tagged, but I was planning on releasing the entire zanki overhaul once I’m finished with it. Also, the BG Update has pretty much all the path cards tagged with the "pathoma___" and in the space would be the chapter of pathoma you would be doing so it makes finding the cards really easy. -the tags are cleaner than the original zanki Cons: -original zanki (doesn’t necessarily have all the new errata and doesn’t have the BG additions) -didn’t include lolnotacop (you can of course download lolnotacop to remedy this) I’ve tried both Zanki and Duke for path and decided to go with Duke bc the amount of cards in Zanki was just too overwhelming for me. I tried both and liked the zanki decks better. I really like the Boards content on LY. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step1/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking Step 1, along with analytical statistics of study resources. Hey I did this process for my M1 year and "perfected" it over time with each module we took - Lightyear is cool but I really like Zanki I would watch B&B and then just start ripping through the chunk of cards once I finished either all the Physio of Bnb, Path of BnB + Pathoma, and then once I covered the Pharm of Bnb and/or sketchy. Lolnotacop created some for this chapter bc either the BG cards wern't good enough, or it wasn't out yet by the time he did it. alternatively if you like sketchy but prefer Q&A to cloze, you may substitute pepper 1/ the zanki neoplasia chapter wasn't included in the original, and it was included in the blue galaxies expansion. Too many cloze deletions. Come test day, next to no material that was covered in pathoma was on the exam. Ended up reading it a couple days before my test and thought the pictures were nice. Short cloze deletion cards that generally test one fact each and you should be set. I did both and dont regret it. use zanki pharm for pharm. 1-3 tagged by video) perfectly but they're in order if you sort by date created and follow pathoma very closely. I have the Shamim deck as this is supposed to be the "updated" deck… I have been able to follow along with pathoma videos for the Pathoma Chapter 3 (Neoplasia) [Anonymous] but I cannot find the source of the Pathoma Chapter 3 (Neoplasia). I will update this deck again once I'm through zanki path, I'm continually adding in amboss / sketchy as there are a lot of holes in zanki where sketchy images could be added but were left out. Cardio: based off of FA2016 + Pathoma + Costanzo Dermatology: based off of FA2017 + Pathoma Endocrine: based off of FA2016 + Pathoma + Costanzo ** This was the First Deck I made and slightly lower quality. Zanki Biochem Source and Pathoma question Was hoping someone could help me out with a few things. There are a shit ton of cards in the zanki pathoma deck that are not directly from pathoma, I think they are coming from first aid but I don't know. There are a few different Anki decks you can download (smaller than Zanki, look up Pepper Pathoma or Duke's Pathoma) that are specific to Pathoma and organized by chapter and video. Pepper Pathoma is more of a quick review, with each card in general testing exactly one piece of information. Zanki pathoma chapter 3 tips and tricks. Zanki is sorted by subdecks. Going back, I really wish I just focused on UWORLD and Zanki outside of actually learning for class. zanki path for pathoma - someone posted on this subreddit recently with a Zanki pathoma deck organized hierarchically by video, kind of Lightyear-esque . use lolnotacop for micro. Sattar just said and finally I think sketchy does a nice job with helping you remember obscure crap like HLA-C or B27 or whatever the fuck these things have associated with it. I usually just make my own anki cards from the powerpoints/outlines. I also found that if it is a card which is made with basic style and if i do not get a concept Currently in dedicated and throughout my studies I've always had problems with immunology (doing really well on other subjects thanks to 1 year of zanki). Images from Pepper Pharm and Pepper Micro. For me, zanki works best by doing the upcoming block’s cards first by reading the costanzo physio and doing the cards and then watching pathoma and doing all the path cards, then doing all the pharm cards and sketchy pharm. Im a LY user so I only use pepper and zanki pharm when needed (hence I keep them downloaded to pick stuff from), but if I was a zanki user I'd probably stick to zanki pharm and only pull from pepper or lolnotacop when needed. Sourced from First Aid, Sketchy, and all over. Is using LY for physiology/anatomy/embryo (BnB), Zanki for path (Pathoma), and Lolnotacop for Micro/pharm (Sketchy) a good idea? Zanki is an original Step 1-centered deck created by a reddit user of the same name. It is designed to highlight the differences between a medical doctor and midlevels in areas including training, research, outcomes, and lobbying. In dedicated I would do 2 or 3 blocks a day and only review my wrong answers. I've been going through this and hope to finish 20k worth of cards by March giving me 2 months to review before step 1. I wouldn't say it takes me too long to do. I also plan on skimming Pathoma during dedicated, so it'll be a nice touch. Working along the lines of Ultrazanki, the objective in mind was to have the full topic as a ready reference, so I added in a huge bunch of images (almost the whole topic ~ 2-3 pages of pathoma ). Errata through 2018 for Zanki, BG Zanki, and lolnotacop, based on the community errata tracker. Gotcha questions galore. This sub is intended as a repository of sources and a place of discussion regarding independent and inappropriate midlevel practice. This usually only takes about 1-2hrs to do, and usually no more than like 30 cards total. Anki usage is significantly associated with increased exam scores regardless of a student’s inherent test-taking ability and may be beneficial for students with lower MCAT scores. This deck is wrecking me guys. It's good to see the relevant statements connected together when you go through pathoma videos in text or video despite it being split up and included in Zanki. The cards have lots of pictures in them! Sorry should have clarified--the 14K cards come from lolnotacop (all bugs/drugs cards), the Adytumdweller pixorize deck (the one you're referring to, I think?), and Zanki path. Pathoma isn’t absolutely necessary. Did Dukes pathoma for most of the major systems and it covers 95% of the pathoma and i felt is quite comprehensive. If you really want to incorporate some Zanki with UWorld, I would add on some of the cards in that high yield tag and all of cards with the Pathoma Chapter 1-3 tags. If you do you pepper, I would use keep it in a separate profile to prevent cluttering up the tags. Personally, I'm going to do the Zanki (Anking Overhaul) Deck and then once I'm done with each pathoma chapter, go back and unsuspend the Duke cards and do those. Images from the UltraZanki deck. I was looking for an anki deck that covers chapters in pathoma. LY Neuro w/ Duke Pathoma is significantly shorter than Zanki Neuro (by like 400-600 cards). I’d definitely recommend using Zanki for the Pathoma cards, however. I’m an OMS-1 and I’m trying to incorporate zanki where appropriate. However, I can't seem to find the appropriate cards from the corresponding sections. Isn’t that the intro chapter? I believe many of those concepts are covered in other sections. My original plan was studying all chapters of Pathoma, but I hear the first 4 are high yield so would it be wise to just study those first 4 chapters from Pathoma, and study the rest of pathology from Zanki? Upgraded pathoma chapter 3 (neoplasia), including the neoplasia section in first aid. So far i feel that pathoma almost covers or at least touches everything written in robbins but just unsure if to skip robbins all in all. Sattar that is not in zanki. It combines the best parts of different acclaimed medicine-related decks and is probably the best organization currently available. Why it is a non-neoplastic cellular growth ? Share I honestly probably did them too quickly, but its a balance between doing the anki cards perfectly and actually staying sane haha. 246 on step. You can even make your own "pathoma-only zanki deck" by making a new profile with vanilla zanki physio+path and then deleting all the physio decks. Obviously learning the material the first time, boards and beyond, pathoma, sketchy etc. Watch the video, make cards (use the same tags as the Zanki Pathoma cards). I might be wrong. I was looking at the cards for Pathoma Chapter 3 and noticed that Zanki was about 447 cards and Lol was like 233. . Granted it takes me doing the card like 4 times to progress it, but so be it. When someone asks me how I knew about Zanki, Boards and Beyond, and Pathoma within the first week of medical school [meme] [well-being] Zanki BG deck which is based on the original Zanki deck. Leave the whole deck suspended and use tags to unsuspend the chapters as you finish them. I've actually edited Zanki heavily so that a good chunk of the cards are in question format as well as cloze format. Amount of cards/day based on when your taking test. I'm not a class attender. Definitely doable in amount of time. Next, I go to Browse and CTR+Select any cards from the Zanki Endocrine physiology and BG Addon that I am not familiar with. New Clinical + Pathoma Deck . Dec 9, 2017 · Medical School Anki • r/medicalschoolanki "Zanki Physiology & Pathology (original)" on the right under Completed decks. I have no idea how people keep up with zanki while also studying for lecture. That just means you need to go back and figure out what was This is what people were saying about Bros when Zanki came out. Zanki is broken down into general categories and sub-topics, which means you can study broadly or specifically, and First Aid, Pathoma, and Sketchy are all incorporated resources. Anking is an overhaul of Zanki while also including parts of other decks (Peppers, Lolnotacop and UltraZanki) and another user’s (BlueGalaxies) updates. I've also heard that the Zanki/BG ones are poorly written. pepper cards are a pain to do, but I think we both agree that the cards definitely do their job Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Sure - for example, I was going through Pathoma ch 1 in our last unit - I had anki open on my laptop and was watching the video on my iPad - I was going through the cards as he was d Question was originally posted in r/step1, and I got a DM suggesting I post here as well. GI: based off of FA2017 + Pathoma + Costanzo Zanki path decks are a combo pathoma & uworld path & FA & then some. I didn’t use Pathoma except for the first few chapters and I’m fairly certain that I did great in pathology questions. 3 a couple days before and I felt more than prepared without grilling anki. Read: What Is The Best Anki Deck For Step 1? I recently decided to start incorporating Zanki Pathoma into my anki schedule. The material itself was a bit burdensome. This either means that your school tests things that are low yield OR you may be missing something fundamentally. In the 25th-50th quartile. If you dont have time look for the uniques in LoL and use BG/Zanki expansion as base Idk about an exclusive pathoma deck, but the AnKing overhaul deck has all pathoma cards organized by chapter via tags. It is also infinitely updatable via AnkiHub so we as a medical school community can continually bring it up to date for We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Will finishing Pepper Pathoma prepare me well for the nbme, considering it has way less amount of cards than Zanki? If not, will finishing Pepper Pathoma AND Dukes do the job? Oh, and we have a traditional Hey All, Has anyone run into this issue? I was starting the Anking Overhaul fresh from the recent v3 update, and after dragging in media from Zanki BG and Lol I am still missing images (see below). M1 here. I just recently did both. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Started Zanki in late spring the year before Step, kept up with reviews until dedicated (only had time for about 1-2 hrs /night of Zanki during dedicated). 27 cards sounds like too little for even that relatively small section. Take notes in the cards on the expalnations he give,s that way you are promoting understanding of the material and hten essentially reiterating that thought process/understanding in your head every time you Remember that Zanki will include a lot of what is in FA directly that is not covered by BnB/Pathoma and has Costanzo physio + Sketchy pharm. I saw that Zanki covered some of them, but seems to be missing a few (i. I've had 3 organ blocks so far and what I've done is watch Pathoma prior to doing the cards and watch BnB while doing the cards. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Sattar's videos each morning before tackling the corresponding section of the Zanki deck. I have noticed my memory mixing up patho qs a lot in UW so i want to start a patho deck. However, Lightyear has more front-and-back style cards than Zanki. Just making a note of this, but when I updated I got this response personally. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. so is there some way by which I can keep the scheduling and the chapter-wise I will be taking step 1 in the summer. yeah exactly. So for lightyear and zanki and anking, how do you use them to study? There’s an overwhelming amount of Anki decks. I am 75% done with uw. READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING! // USMLE Step 1 is the first national board exam all United States medical students must take before graduating medical school. Or just do a pathoma, sketchy pharm/micro deck separately and pick stuff out off zanki/LY that your weak in. Revised Plan : Listen to 1 lecture of pathoma / day, then go through Zanki deck (I started from my weak area, Female reproductive system. Got about 3 months till my exams and need to cover pharma and path. UW micro (includes things not covered in sketchy/first aid, things I may have wanted to clarify, or questions I got wrong) - side note, I suggest doing this deck LAST. Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size For pathology definitely use pathoma. I've browsed through the duke deck cards and they are harder and ask you to combine various tid bits of knowledge you've learned from the Zanki (Anking Overhaul) deck. Most of the cards in Lightyear AND Zanki are in a cloze deletion (fill-in-the-gap) format. neoplasia). If not using zanki micro, then suspend (not delete) in case you change your mind later. There’s only 40ish cards if I remember correctly. My last exam was interesting. custom study or export to different profile etc. It was trivial low yield facts the whole exam. Because the Zanki deck builds on the Brosencephalon deck, it is based on many of the same primary materials ( First Aid, Pathoma, Sketchy , etc). I did Zanki Pathoma 1-3 Flashcards and the NBME anatomy deck Flashcards. So when I posted on reddit asking if someone had a zanki deck which had the sketchy path images incorporated, OP was kind enough to forward me his unfinished deck. Then unsuspend cards from the Pathoma video you’re about to watch. D3 is first converted to 25-OH D3. After having done so, I found that it covers Pathoma and FA Path really well. Have you considered using any of those decks? I personally use Zanki and it's very effective. However, I haven't felt this to be enough for school exams, so I would like to incorporate reading Robbins as well. Apr 15, 2019 · All of that being said, the Reddit r/medicalschool community generally posts the Zanki decks and offers reasonable instructions for choosing between them. The guy scored 267 ffs. The workflow I'm planning for each block in M2 systems is Pathoma vids/text, then unsuspend corresponding Zanki Pathology deck, then watch class lectures with a few AMBOSS questions every day. Not much that isnt in sketchy path. r/medicalschoolanki • A 2023 study about Anki and the impact of Anki usage in a medical school curriculum on academic performance. I mostly make my own anki cards for my lectures since Zanki seems to be more focused on high yield material as opposed to testable content from my professors. How much time do you have? I'm assuming a while because you plan to do Zanki, if so you definitely can do both. -Studied pathoma the first half of the school year but it just wasnt sticking for me. It turns out that not every card in the Zanki Pathology decks are covered in Pathoma. If I didn't add a tumor marker its because ZANKI mentioned it in another section( such as NF1/NF2) UltraZanki Pros: -has far more images. Preclinical Question. I STRONGLY recommend you read the above posts (especially the original Zanki deck) so that you understand how the decks were made and how to best use them. Well, 'THE Pathoma' which is a king of pathology for step 1 prep discouraged me because I could not follow through his easy explanation in these sections mentioned above well even if I re-listened to them. But there is a lot of stuff at times that is not in FA but is in Pathoma or vice versa. I'm going through Zanki while doing Pathoma chapters and I'm realizing that the AnKing deck doesn't have some topics tagged under each of the Pathoma vids. I watched DirtyUSMLE for my weak areas. Duke’s Pathoma (best for rapid review) Anking/Zanki Pathology (most comprehensive) Conanna Sketchy Pathology (best Sketchy Path anki deck) DIP Deck (best Divine Intervention/Pathoma deck) Each of these decks is formatted and structured differently, suiting those with varied learning styles. Redditor AnKingMed continually updates the original Zanki deck to help provide a comprehensive overview of all core medical school subjects/topics for both USMLE Step 1, Step 2, and beyond. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment The pathoma pepper deck is missing a ton but you probably don't need to remember all the details from forced recall if you are able to remember them just by seeing the general topic and some facts about it. I only just barely finished the lolnotacop/zanki antimicrobials portion When reviewing that ch. For pathology: I do pathoma and then I go through the pathology section in FA19 since it has a lot of updates and generally people recommend keeping FA for revisions towards the end. I don't take notes on B&B or class lecture, but annotating Pathoma helps me stay more engaged. Whoever made this did a great job with that. Edit: I used the Zanki Pathoma decks for 1-3. It is made to be used as a reference like to read a subsection at a time. I enjoy doing my micro reviews but everything else just felt too disconnected. The order of the cards follows Pathoma very closely so I like that I can follow along by watching Dr. the style of hoopla cards appeals greatly to me, but i’m already 2k into zanki. and now I'm thinking of doing zanki + Bnb. Pathoma does a nice job of reviewing a lot of the HIGH YIELD pathophysio. Zanki is great. I do not recommend "brute forcing" Zanki. Another example: The endocrine pathology chapter talks about Liddle syndrome which he does not talk about in the current Pathoma Endocrine videos. My gf, MS1 used this approach and she is pretty much killed first year of med school. As you know, Pathoma Chp 1-3 are very high yield. Reply reply First time poster here. Pepper's pathoma deck is fast, with one/two word answers (i spend about 7 seconds per card). Like what is sketchy anki decks and pathoma anki decks versus lightyear and zanki? Which anki deck do you use? And how long do you typically study the anki decks for? How many cards do you go through a day?. Posted by u/oscrey52 - 3 votes and 4 comments And it’s worth knowing a bit about vitamin D as well. Zanki (and Pathoma/Sketchy) was my primary learning material during M2 year. Will do incorrects/marked qs after this and then start taking nbmes. I left a lot of B&B pathology videos unwatched due to time Pathology Zanki vs Duke's Pathoma. Is it a bad idea? It's around 14K cards, consisting of lolnotacop (all bugs/drugs cards), the Adytumdweller pixorize deck (immuno/biochem), and Zanki path. However I have questions I get wrong over and over in Duke lol and I ended up suspending them with the intention to draw the relevant cloze cards from Anking that’ll hopefully be easier to remember. Pepper probably less comprehensive and some ppl said missing minor stuff. Hey, can anyone help? I started with your deck and made some significant progress with it and now I found about the duke deck with pictures. Pathoma images for zanki/anking deck crowdsourcing PLAN : I'm adding in the images from pathoma pdf as I go along. where should I head first: zanki or lolnotacop? Or how exactly should I review, I mean, do them both (first one then the… Introduction to the Deck This deck is the best deck for USMLE Step 1 & Step 2 and is mostly comprehensive. im confused. During my preclinical I did a full run of Robbins so I was very strong in pathology, so it all depends on person. However, there is a bunch of overlap between the two. Take inspiration from the way Zanki made their cards. you literally just go to a path subdeck and study that. The First Aid chapter on immunology is a mess honestly, and it doesn't really sync well with BnB and Pathoma, relative to other chapters. Pepper was designed as a standalone, but some people use it together with Zanki Micro. I love the card quality. Tao Le and Sketchy would want to come after Zanki's butt for using them. But idk where to fit in Zanki either, I guess mostly because my unit right now is mostly biochemistry and some random topics. Hello everyone I have spent so much time reading the zanki vs LY posts on this subreddit and I'm still anxious and cant decide what to go with, however I'm starting to lean more towards zanki as it contains cards from costanzo, pathoma -which im also doing along bnb- and Uworld. I know one of the primary sources for the zanki biochem deck is Turco (kaplan), but I'm having a hard time finding it. It is more efficient to learn the material first and then use Anki for review. Duke I think overall is higher yield and packs in more information. Jan 8, 2016 · I'm just wondering if anyone has gone through a majority of the zanki (or whatever deck) and not done well on Step 1 (by well I'm saying under a 230). I was overwhelmed with it at first but now I just take it with a grain of salt and learn it. It can substitute reading pathoma but I would think you need to at least watch the videos to set the framework of the topic. With that said, I try to use Zanki with First Aid and Pathoma to supplement my lectures. Use the corresponding zanki cards to help retain what you learned and then do the cards every day. Zanki will help you retain it all. Will I be ok for Step 1 doing these cards as opposed to Zanki? Any advice/different opinions would be very much appreciated! Dec 23, 2023 · #Pathoma - The deck was originally made by Zanki using Pathoma. The 25-OH D3 is then hydroxylated to 1,25-(OH)2 D3 by 1α-hydroxylase. Also, I would much rather do multiple passes of Pathoma rather than introduce a new resource. It seems Lightyear based his card structure off of Zanki. Watch Pathoma, do the Zanki cards, use BnB. I will be taking step 1 in the summer. I realize that my style is not quite as good as the zanki original but I tried to stay somewhere in the realm. if there were any gaps, they could be filled by question banks anyway (is my thinking) Rx deck is only 10k and covers FA. I tried Duke but it was too dense for me. Now, you’ll study the cards you made immediately following the Pathoma cards. This is the Anking deck with the D4rk Zanki images included, and over the last 6 months I have slowly been adding in sketchy path / amboss radiology to I still haven't found my groove in terms of how exactly to approach it. Duke's deck requires to recall more information, with answers being in sentence/paragraph form (eg, compare and contrast familial amyloid CM vs senile cardiac amyloidosis). If I didn't have to look at in-house lectures and questions, I know I could finish Zanki, but I can't. For pathology this is as simple as watching Pathoma before doing the cards (on average each video is probably 80-100 cards, but this varies widely). Use a premade deck like Zanki or make your own cards. Keep up with reviews, and then make a final pass of the videos during dedicated at 2x. for each organ system in Zanki, I won't do the "pathology" cards but instead will do Duke's Pathoma for pathology. There is always a chance that one of the crazy details pops up, but in my opinion it's not worth the effort to memorize all of the minutiae. It’s still an amazing resource though. I've watched the pathoma video and am reading through Robbins but so many genes and proto-oncogenes just get so jumbled in my head and the cards are taking forever to get through. I think it goes into more detail than you will need for the exam but it was the easiest way for me to memorize the factoids from 1-3. I know i can easily mature dukes patho but idk why my brain is leaning towards Zanki now. It may not be tagged (I just released Ch. Its a bit lengthy but if you have the time, i highly recommend it. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Of course, to save time, leave out any cards about topics that you already know well. Was pretty tired of Zanki. General pharmacology & autonomic drugs (Zanki) - Pharm that doesn't easily fit anywhere else but is absolutely essential and some of the most high-yield pharm here. You'll be surprised by how much you remember. childhood musculoskeletal conditions) First Aid 2018 errata updates to cards (edited old zanki cards, edited old expansion cards) + adding new FA2018 errata all prior expansions addons rewritten Pathoma Chapter 3 Neoplasia Hey, i wonder if there is a pathoma deck with cloze deletions building on the minimal information per card principle? Thanks! Edit: To clarify i hate spending more than 10 seconds on any card unless its exceptionally high yield and it is the only way to format it. Each card in the Zanki deck is very thorough; however, in my opinion, there is too much information stuffed into each card in the Zanki deck. Next, I 2x speed through Pathoma, and pick out any cards from Zanki Pathoma that I didn't learn from BnB. I would say 70-80% overlap but 20-30% unique. I was upset to see I barely passed when crushing zanki and pathoma religiously. Think of Zanki as the original work and Anking building on and improving it. First Aid 2018 updates to cards (edited old zanki cards, edited old expansion card) + adding new FA2018 cards (ex. The advice on this subreddit is to use zanki/ly/high-yield resources to succeed on step, but you still need to pass your classes (even if it's by a sliver). I have chapter 2 chronic inflammation cards in my deck (Zanki+BGupdate). Sketchy works best if you watch it and then cards, plus some cheesy jokes that Andrew makes really stick with you LONG term lol I really love using pathoma and boards and beyond (I learn really well from videos) and so have been trying to find a way to to do both zanki pathoma and lightyear. Some updates were ignored because note type has changed: Cloze-AnKingSketchy: As parkinson disease progresses, the therapeutic window for levodopa {{c1::narrows}} and response becomes more <u>unpredictable</u>,due to levodopa induced nigrostrial degeneration (or natural); thus I am considering studying all pathology content from Duke's Pathoma and skipping the pathology sections in Zanki, i. and lightyear for the rest. My original plan was studying all chapters of Pathoma, but I hear the first 4 are high yield so would it be wise to just study those first 4 chapters from Pathoma, and study the rest of pathology from Zanki? Aug 27, 2021 · Zanki helps you master topics by spaced repetition and retrieval-based learning, which studies show is highly effective. Zanki Pathoma is bae. Of course install Anki first. If you've already read these chapters once, and exam is close, it's probably better to do the flashcards instead of re-reading. It slows me down enough to ask if I really understand what's going on. Anking/Zanki Pathology. Or check it out in the app stores Pathoma zanki . Immunology + General Pathology (Zanki + lolnotacop) - Pathoma Chapters 1, 2, and 3, with Zanki's immunology and lolnotacop's Pathoma For the upcoming blocks I have switched to a mix of Pepper Pathoma and Dukes (planning to complete both for each individual topic). If it works then stick with it. What/Who is Anking? Well first let me say I like LY. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. I just started M2 and decided that along with LY (~50% matured), I want to do the Zanki pathoma cards (~8k, but I'm being very liberal with them and am basically suspending 50-60% of the cards if they're already addressed by LY). Also just an overall question in regards to Zanki, you are saying that I would have to delete this: Zanki decks for Pathoma Ch. are all awesome. e. Confused between duke patho (~2000 cards) and Zanki patho (~6800 cards). Zanki I find sometimes has just a bit more context in the cards to help you understand what Dr. Yeah its untested for now, however, I feel that the combination of zanki and sketchy path cant be beat. I quit Duke in favor of Pepper Pathoma because I don't learn as well from those more involved cards. Pathoma First-Aid BRS Patho Robbins Essential Pathology 2021 Daenerys (FEU trans, though luma na) Videos: Pathoma videos Medical School Pathology - afaik Robbin's based ito Anki Decks: AnKing - Pathoma & First-Aid-based, mostly in line with Robbins & Cotran Anubis - also pathoma-based Personally I just watched pathoma Ch. Updated 22725 of 22726 existing notes. I don't want to miss the images so I tried importing that deck, thinking that Anki will update the existing cards with pictures but it just doesn't seem to import the cards. do you think one could do dukepathoma+hoopla+lopnotacop and cover enough, if not the same info in LY/zanki? this combo is just under 22k cards fyi. I'd go with zanki and pull out the pathoma tagged decks if you want a pathoma specific deck. Skimmed the slides and moved on. I like to watch the video and then do the corresponding Anki deck as review. If I were you, I would download Lightyear and try it out. Absolutely agree with other posters about using Sketchy Micro and Pharm, just forgot to mention those in my initial reply to you but they are absolute gold. Also pathology tidbits from Uworld also are supposed to go into FA. Go to browse and search for any concepts that seem to be missing. I am considering studying all pathology content from Duke's Pathoma and skipping the pathology sections in Zanki, i. I did that for each and every subject of Zanki's, along with making my own cards for subjects not covered. I would recommend zanki Most people use Zanki or Duke to reinforce the concepts from Pathoma. I did zanki deck for Pathoma for all chapters but I haven't revised it in such a long time (4months) now its all pilled up (I remember most of the cards, just that the review cards are pilled up and seems like I can't move forward), I absolutely love zanki Pathoma cards but. Anyone have a Zanki deck with Pathoma subtagged by video? If not, I will commission good money to whoever can make the Zanki pathology section tagged by the corresponding Pathoma videos. Firstly, I am worried that the card count is going to be too high; it is roughly about 30k cards in total, including lolnotacop for micro, pepper pharm, etc. You'll probably hear this from others on this subreddit, but it's usually best when you stick with a deck that works for you. I started doing it and found it to be just what I wanted. I’ve read a bunch of posts about how this is redundant and these 2 decks say essentially the same things, and this may be pre mature, but I’ve gone through a few videos in chapter 1 of pathoma, and I am comparing the cards of zanki side by side with duke, and duke has a lot more information that was mentioned by Dr. and 2 cards in the pharm section as well! Lol, for reals tho, should I buy pathoma (again, after once distractedly watching in passing a little over 2 years ago) and speed watch (as if there's any other choice) all the videos or do the Zanki/Duke Pathoma 1-3? I'm giving myself about 6 weeks or so to wrap all of step one up for good. For physio you can either read FA, Costanzo, or watch B&B. As someone who did double work by referring to first aid through my first 2 years (I literally have seen every page atleast twice) and maturing the step 1 anking deck as an MS2, I don't think that there was an advantage of doing one over the other. Need an opinion on whether pathoma is sufficient for pathology exam or do i need to study robbins to. It can also be used for USMLE Step 3. The 1,25 form is the active form, and one of its functions is to increase calcium absorption in the gut. If the workflow of watching B&B videos and then doing LY works, you should stick with that and only supplement from Zanki as needed. You should suspend all your unlearned cards. I always start my organ blocks off doing path 1st (outside cardio & neuro) because its pretty broad as hell and taps into everything from anatomy to embryo down to the histology & disease presentation & pt demographics. I also was not able to get the physiology cards to get in the original order. Would it be safe to only study the first 4 chapters of Pathoma, while also doing all of Zanki. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 1 comment I am considering studying all pathology content from Duke's Pathoma and skipping the pathology sections in Zanki, i. Chapters 1-3 have 371 cards in total. If there is anything missing or if I want to add or or edit, I just do so accordingly. Then add the expansion decks from the second green link at the top: "Zanki Expansion and r/medicalschoolanki decks". I didn’t specifically study for step 1 during third year (except for sketchy and pathoma) and focused on shelf exams. I don't think FA is intended to be read as a textbook. Very well written and pictures so good that Dr. These are mostly his tags with some additions by BlueGalaxies03_Neoplasia & 03_Neoplasia_Alt_Tagging - The neoplasia section wasn’t initially done by Zanki and both BlueGalaxies and Lolnotacop filled in the gaps. Hi everyone, Below are the links for the two Anki decks I have One day you might want to do chapter 3 of pathoma and the anking deck for that one is best, another day maybe is acid base from BnB and you activate LY cards, FA maybe activate Zanki cards. 1-3- 1054 cards total all cards with the "hepatits" tag (hepatits, not hepatitis)- 40 cards Zanki pharm- antimicrobials and antineoplastics decks- 544 and 314 cards respectively I watch B&B, then Pathoma, then class lectures. Depends how you like your cards. I would then do said cards. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment I use the old BG Zanki + Lol combo but I've updated it so that the tagging is from Anking. I REALLY wanted to like duke pathoma, but the cloze deletions from Zanki path work better for me, even if the deck is enormous. the best approach might be to pick and choose from the different decks. Is LightYear good enough for Pathology or will I need something like Duke, that ripped straight from Pathoma? I needed to give myself a break and walk away from Zanki. The Zanki endocrine pathology section doesn't have it, but luckily the Zanki physiology section for renal does indeed have several cards on Liddle syndrome. cefq tbzlh rxihske fyreahim gmudend ixu mlwr lrtfgi mgrrx hiw